About the Book
7 Steps to Activate Your Faith will help Christians replace the Enemy’s LIE–that they cannot activate their faith–with God’s TRUTH that promises they can live a life of faith. The stakes behind that story are high. Really high. If millions of Christians activate their faith, find their purpose in Christ, and serve God’s Kingdom, millions of others around the world will have their lives positively impacted by God.
Threads of the author’s own struggles and triumphs in activating his faith run through each chapter, not as the mere sharing of experiences to trumpet his victories but as illustrations and anecdotes to encourage believers who want to activate their faith.
1. Use “real life” examples and scripture to back up the book’s faith activation process.
2. Provide a guide to help the reader make the commitment to activate their faith.
3. Present a step-by-step action plan that motivates the reader to start, stay with, and finish the process.
Meet the Author

Mark Affleck
Mark is the founder of the Love God Fear Nothing ministry which helps Christians overcome fear, love God, commit to life-long, purpose-driven growth; and create a “spiritual disruption” that clears the way to activate their Christian faith. Launched in 2016, the ministry’s online platform has grown dramatically from 1268 to 1.1 MILLION followers.
Mark is a nationally recognized expert on strategy, marketing, issues management, and persuasive communications. In March 1988, at age thirty-three, Mark first introduced his YellowChair Strategy to turn around the California avocado industry. He became president and CEO of the California Avocado Commission (CAC) and led the strategic response to huge challenges: plummeting grower prices, massive grower bankruptcies, rising water costs, shrinking supply. This was compounded by enormous volume increases on the horizon, which typically result in even lower prices.